CR2O and Artemis Bioservices successfully continue their well-established cooperation

CR2O is a leading European clinical CRO, specialised in managing and operating early-stage infectious disease clinical trials. Artemis Bioservices is a specialty lab, evaluating viral vaccines and antiviral therapeutics, in particular against emerging, zoonotic and vector-borne diseases.

For several years, CR2O and Artemis Bioservices have teamed up to advance industry- and public partners’ compounds from bench to various stages of clinical development. Together we offer more value to our partners by combining scientific expertise and operational excellence, under strict regulatory and quality requirements.

“We are very pleased with the successful collaboration with Artemis Biosciences lab in the recently concluded Phase-I studies investigating novel vaccines against Rift Valley Fever and SARS-CoV-2.” – Hadil Es-Sbai, CEO CR2O

“Our scientists and operational experts in virology, immunology and vaccinology, work hand-in-glove with our partners to deliver their projects within specifications.” – Byron Martina, CEO Artemis Biosciences

We are committed to continue support our partners through offering worldclass pre-clinical and clinical development expertise in their journey to solve the world’s unmet medical needs.